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Supply chain management with SaapCRM

Supply chain management with SaapCRM

Three trends are disrupting the information-intensive supply chain sector. These are; Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and the internet of things. This trends are connecting millions of devices via various online platforms and generating a lot of information

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A data collection tool with a big data back-end

A data collection tool with a big data back-end

Over the years companies and organisations have collected transaction data on their business operations majorly to track their operations and to forecast needs. With technology advancement the data collected has exploded both in sources and volume needing advanced and mobile tools to capture it in detail.

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Data the new age ‘Oil’

Data the new age ‘Oil’

For a while now we have been reading from numerous outstanding publications, speeches of prominent big company CEOs and renown world leaders that data is the ‘new oil’. This is to mean that just like oil, data nowadays is being used to generate enormous value through the insights drawn from it via analytics and combinations of different data sets.

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Sales-force empowerment with SaapCRM

Sales-force empowerment with SaapCRM

Generally, sales force costs represent one of the largest expenses for any company averaging 10% and up to 40% in a business to business market. Therefore, it’s prudent for any company management to come up with effective and optimally designed strategies of managing its sales-force for the company to progress and maximize profits.

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Promoting open governance

Promoting open governance

One of the main challenges facing both Government and Non-Governmental Organisations, is poor governance. Their project implementation and monitoring processes are marred with irregularities that make the whole process non viable and wasteful. Lack of collective action and accountability are common scenarios in their processes compounding this problem of poor governance.

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Sustaining NGO activities and operations

Sustaining NGO activities and operations

Many NGOs in Africa are grappling with many challenges among them funding problems. This state is worsened by the fact that most NGOs are not thrift in their expenditures on their activities. The most eminent repercussions of this situation is the closure of weak NGOs and reduction in activity of the ones still surviving.

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Workforce Management

Workforce Management

A great deal of Non-Governmental Organization operations involves field activities where they mobilize a field workforce to go and carry out their activities.

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