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Factors that affect the cost of your application.

Factors that affect the cost of your application.

The budget of an application is a significant factor when determining if it’s viable to develop an application for your business, that’s why we have considered it important to break it down for you how the different factors and considerations interact to determine the complexity of an application hence affecting its cost and the time it takes to develop it.

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Why your business needs a mobile app now

Why your business needs a mobile app now

Thanks to the global rise in internet usage, social media explosion, development in mobile technologies and mobility afforded by mobile phones, the present day consumer is highly empowered with incredible amounts of information

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APIs in mobile and web applications

APIs in mobile and web applications

API stands for Application Program Interface. These are technologies that allow two or more programs or applications to communicate with each other by sharing data. Therefore an application’s API lays out or defines how other applications will access its data.

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On-demand applications development

On-demand applications development

Thanks to Uber, the cab hailing application, other on-demand applications have mushroomed in every industry. Today there is an application for almost anything, a button away. MedAfrica, M-Farm, M-shop, M-changa, Taxify, SaapCRM,

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