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Importance of API integration in mobile and web applications

Importance of API integration in mobile and web applications

One option for communication is to leverage your software's API through a web service. Most business software today has this capability, but you should verify that before choosing to go this route. A well-written API is ideal for integration because it typically means the software company has already written the logic to validate and process the data in their system.

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3rd party costs to your app development.

3rd party costs to your app development.

Apart from the cost paid to a developer to develop your mobile or web applications, there are other 3rd party charges that need to be incurred for your application to be up and running. Normally, a developer might assume that the client knows about these charges and they may omit them from the quote only for the client to be aggrieved when the developer later tells them of the charges and how indispensable they are to the deployment of the application.

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