Importance of video advertising your app

Video advertising is simply an advertisement for a product or service featured in a video format. In traditional advertising you might equate it most closely to a marketing message you would see on television, but in today's mobile-centric world it appears in a short,web-based video sequence.
Some of video advertising include:
In-stream-videos pop-up before,during or after you view other contents online
Out-stream- videos show up randomly on regular websites or blog or new pages

After developing an awesome application for your company ,the next step is to get it out in front of your target clients. At Trendpro Systems Ltd we have made it our practice to remind our clients to put up more serious marketing strategies so that through the thorough effort we put into developing their applications can result to the client’s success when combined with effective marketing strategy.

Video advertising your application has advantages which may include the following:
Increasingly, consumers are cutting their traditional ties to traditional media and are turning to digital video for discovery, entertainment and brand awareness. Research has shown that video advertising reach nearly $5 billion due to developing delivery channels,amplified engagement and the highest average click through 1.84% of any digital format.

Through video advertising for your app,you empower your brand to build stronger connection along the path to purchase with niche-focused content delivered across an increasing variety of channels and connected devices. Videos also convert sales. The biggest names in the online marketplace e.g Amazon report that adding a video advert to product description increases the chances of a shopper buying the item by upto 35%.

Those who view a video and find it interesting or valuable will share it with their followers on social media. Infact more than 700 videos are shared by Twitter users every minute. This phenomenon can increase your videos exposure exponentially leading to wider market for your products and services.

Through video advertising, you rank high in the search engines. The higest search engine companies put a priority on video content when making twerks to the algorithms that present certain sites higher higher on the rankings pages. Distributing videos via social media, posting them on blogs and embedding them on your website increases the likelihood that your target audience will find you when searching for the relevant information.

Through video advertising on your app, you can convey huge amounts of information in a short time. You can say more in a shorter amount of time a compared to text. Video is more engaging to the sense , so it can convey more information by showing and telling at the same time.

If these advantages of video advertising dont motivate you to get on board,here is one more big reason to do it: Your competition is distributing videos and capturing the attention of potential customers. Now, you no longer have to wonder if you should bring video into your marketing fold.

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