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Blockchain in food supply industry

Blockchain in food supply industry

The blockchain technology has reinvigorated the industry’s drive to achieve end-to-end food traceability and enable the product information transparency. Today, the food industry companies need to be educated on blockchain which can lead to great improvements in food supply chain.

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The fintech revolution and its impact on small business

The fintech revolution and its impact on small business

Small businesses and especially startups are known to face challenges when obtaining capital from massive paperwork, high debt to income ratios to unpredictable financial outlook,many small businesses have no access to major credit markets that are essential for growing , developing and sustaining their essential for growing and the developing businesses.

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Why chatbots are the future of marketing

Why chatbots are the future of marketing

Today, the chatbots are transforming the marketing trend in businesses by engaging beyond the traditional online advertising through active conversation with the user or the client. Undoubtedly, chatbots will be inevitable in the future of digital marketing.

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Why chatbots are the future of marketing

Why chatbots are the future of marketing

Today, the chatbots are transforming the marketing trend in businesses by engaging beyond the traditional online advertising through active conversation with the user or the client. Undoubtedly, chatbots will be inevitable in the future of digital marketing.

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Importance of blockchain in mobile app development

Importance of blockchain in mobile app development

As a mobile app developer, you have no option but come into terms with blockchains, creating an app for exchanging cryptocurrencies can make things easier for asset traders. These blockchain based apps not only allow anyone to have control over your digital assets but also can trade with them.

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