The Cost of a Mobile or Web app Design and Development in Kenya

“How much on average do you bill a mobile or web application?” is one of the most common questions that any web/mobile developer gets from prospective clients. Some clients want to know how much it will cost for a developer to make their application which they don’t want to talk about before the developer signs a Non Disclosure Agreement. Others want an average price a developer would charge to add additional features to their applications. All these questions are not wrong, however they don’t have a direct exact answer which the clients are looking for.

The above scenarios brings about a point of the differences in how we think about web/mobile applications between clients and developers. To some clients/users, maybe they see applications being similar from the way they appear in shape on their devices hence they conclude they roughly take a similar effort and expertise to develop hence their questions on average price.

However, when it comes to the development of applications, we look at them in terms of functionality and that's one of the major basis of billing an app. The different features that the application will posses to enable it to deliver the client’s expected results dictates the price. Some of this features are simple and take minutes to develop but some of them are quite complex to come up with and can take days to come up with hence their high pricing.

To solve the above misunderstanding, at TrendPro Systems Ltd we have come up with a process that we take our clients through to accustom them with mobile/web development for excellent client handling and results

  1. We first schedule a meeting to fully understand what the client wants the application to deliver so that we can come up with the exact features that can deliver those desired results and share the same with the client.
  2. On the basis of those features, we then come up with the alternative ways of achieving the results and the costing of each method as well as the time it takes to develop them so that the customer has options to choose from
  3. Upon the client settling for a specific way, we then formally do a quote of what we have agreed on and we break the project into the expected milestones at a specific time so that after each milestone the client can test the feature and request any changes before we proceed to the next milestone
  4. This makes the development process agile while meeting the client needs fully.

Getting such small sync in our thoughts about software development in general can enable us (clients and developers) read from the same page and smoothen the conversion of leads to paying clients for developers.

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